In celebration of Battle Cats hitting 20 million worldwide downloads, the developers have launched a new battle event called the Deadly Carnivals! Players will be facing off against special foes in this event—are you up to the challenge? Today we’ll cover the first stage of the event in our Battle Cats Tornado Carnival guide with tips, spawns, strategies, and more!
Tornado Carnival Guide
The first stage of Deadly Carnivals is Tornado Carnival, and as the name implies, you’ll be facing the special Cyclone enemies. You’ll have to plan around them, as four of them will spawn over the course of the stage.
Normal enemies will infinitely spawn throughout Tornado Carnival, including Doges, Doge Darks, and Gabriels. Doges spawn every 6 to 12 seconds, Doge Darks every 12 to 18 seconds, and Gabriels every 18 seconds. You’ll need to plow through them to damage the Cyclones.
After 20 seconds have passed since the beginning of the stage, the first cyclone will spawn: the Red Cyclone. For the Tornado Carnival, you’ll want to bring primarily Anti-Floating Cats to deal with the Cyclones. Fend off the small fry with your support and tank Cats, while your Anti-Floating Cats go for the priority targets.
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After 40 seconds, the Black Cyclone will spawn, followed by the White Cyclone at 60 seconds. The same strategy applies—deal with the regular enemies with whatever you’ve got, and use your Anti-Floating Cats on the Cyclones.

Once you’ve hit roughly two minutes into the stage, the Divine Cyclone will spawn in, serving as the final boss of the stage. You’ll want to use an Anti-Angel Cat for the Divine Cyclone instead of an Anti-Floating Cat. The Acrobat Cat is a solid choice if you don’t have a reliable Anti-Angel Cat.
Another popular pick for this stage is Sanzo Cat, the true form of Bishop Cat. Its area attack has the potential to slow down Floating enemies, which can let your other attacker Cats finish them off. Sanzo Cat also gets some very helpful talents to deal with the Cyclones.
As long as you have a plan to deal with the Cyclones, you shouldn’t have too much trouble with this stage. If you have any other good strategies you’d like to share, let us know in the comments below!
Published: Nov 24, 2021 06:38 pm