Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, the enhanced version of the classic role playing game now available on the App Store in all regions, has recently received a new update which fixes a variety of issues.
The new update, which is available right now, comes with some fixes for when the game is played on iPhones such as fixes for the zoom feature and more. Also included in the update is a fix for save data transferring into Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition, a fix for some crashing issues when joining multiplayer games, and a variety of fixes for some other bugs. Thanks to the fixes, the game is a much more smoother experience.
If you have enjoyed Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, you definitely need to check its sequel, which has been released last year on the App Store. Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition includes the game’s Final Chapter, four new party members, an improved multiplayer mode, full widescreen support, several graphical improvements, gameplay tweaks and more.
Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition is now available for purchase on the App Store for both iPhone and iPad. The new update is also available for download right now.
Published: Jun 11, 2015 07:23 am