Join the battle and land some trick shots on players from around the world! is another online multiplayer game in the ever expanding .io series. You’ll be dropped into a small arena full of players. Grab your bow and get ready to survive!
Every time you level up you can upgrade your character, giving you destructive powers. Who will become the ultimate archer? We’re here with a quick rundown in our cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide! is a fun and challenging game, but people can get quite competitive so you gotta fight back! We’ll show you how in our tips and tricks guide!
1. Grab the crystals!
When you first spawn into an online game, you’ll never know what kind of people you’re matched up against. Some of them might be super powerful and taking them head on will be suicide! We recommend hunting for crystals early on.
The crystals will give you some experience points, and you’ll be able to get some upgrades through crystals alone. While you’re looking around for crystals, try to avoid the high level players and watch for any players in critical condition. Take ’em out for an easy experience boost!
2. Useful upgrades!
- Forward Shot: The icon looks like a forward arrow with a +1 on it. This adds a second projectile to your regular aimed shot. Simple, but effectively doubles your damage!
- Violence: The icon is an arrow with a red spiked spot at the tip of it. This essentially gives you a chance to critically hit with your weapon, inflicting tons of damage!
- All Status Up: Does exactly what it sounds like! Your defense, attack power, and movement speed all increase. It’s always a good choice to pick this upgrade whenever it shows up.
- Spikes: The icon looks like a line of spikes. This makes it so that your regular shots leave behind a trail of spikes. Anyone who walks over these will take a small amount of damage. It’s mildly annoying on its own, but when coupled with other upgrades it can become incredibly lethal! Try it with Forward Shot, Triple Shot, or anything that makes your bullets bigger/travel farther/move around wildly to cover as much ground with spikes as possible.
- Shield: The icon looks like a little monster guy behind a blue shield. This upgrade grants you a shield that greatly reduces damage. The catch? It’s only active when you’re standing completely still. This doesn’t seem as bad as it sounds, though. If you get into a firefight with a player, just stand still and shoot at them. They will more than likely try to jump on the fact that you are an immobile target, but they’ll quickly regret it when you don’t take that much damage!
- Follower: The icon looks like a rocket. These will turn your shots pink and give them slight homing capabilities. Get this if you have trouble with aiming!
3. Hunt the last enemies down!
Eventually, players will stop spawning into your current “room”. This means that eventually – assuming you can survive long enough – you’ll be faced with one last opponent. More often than not they will not attempt a direct assault on you, and will instead opt to run around the map some more to grab crystals to try to gain the upper hand.
Try approaching them to gauge what kind of upgrades they have. If you think you’re up to the task, it’s a good idea to hunt them down relentlessly so they don’t have a chance to get away. If they’re too powerful, you should retreat and gather up crystals to prepare for one final showdown!
4. Play offline for easy gold!
While you do get a x2 multiplier for playing online, the enemies are endless in offline mode. They will continually respawn until you fall in battle. You can actually take advantage of this by powering up to an absurd level and just keep farming the enemies over and over again. As long as you’re careful, you won’t have to worry about dying.
5. Don’t override your weapon!
In a sense, you could divide the upgrades into three different categories.
- Weapon modifiers will change what kind of bullet you shoot. Upgrades like the Javelin, Fireball, Hammers, and Lightsabers are examples of this. It’s important to note that you can only have one weapon modifier active at a time, and getting another one will replace your previous weapon.
- Bullet modifiers change how your shots function. Upgrades like the Forward Shot, Side Shot, Rear Shot, Violence, and Followers are examples of this. You can have as many of these active as you want. If you’ve decided on a weapon modifier, it’s time to stack up on as many bullet modifiers as you can.
- Status modifiers grant you permanent boosts to your attack damage, defense, movement speed, and maximum health. These are great to have, but bear in mind that some of them come with downsides; for example the upgrade “Light” makes you move faster at the cost of decreased defense.
You should decide on one weapon modifier as soon as possible, then start collecting bullet and status upgrades. Be careful not to replace your weapon modifier!
That’s all for! If you have any other tips or tricks to share, let us know in the comments below!
Published: May 12, 2017 05:20 am