Earlier this year the classic role playing game series Ys by Nihon Falcom has debuted on iOS with the port of the original game, Ys Chronicles I. Today, it’s been revealed that its direct sequel, Ys Chronicles II, is going to be released soon on the App Store.
The port of the second entry of the Ys series is going to be handled once again by DotEmu. This is really good news, considering how good the original game plays on iOS devices thanks to the great controls.
Ys Chronicles II is the direct sequel of Ys Chronicles I and, as such, it plays pretty much like its predecessor, with the unique bumping battle system that sets it apart from all other action role playing games. The game also includes several gameplay tweaks that make the experience even more enjoyable than the first game.
Ys Chronicles II is now available on a variety of formats and will be released on iOS on a yet to be confirmed release date. We will keep you updated on the game’s release date as soon as more comes in on it so stay tuned for all the latest news.
Published: Jun 18, 2015 07:18 am