It’s been already 3 years since Blizzard announced Diablo Immortal. It was back in 2018, at that memorable Blizzcon. Memorable for all the wrong reasons though. Who can forget the fans reaction the moment Wyatt Cheng announced Diablo Immortal really? Some went as far as to say that this moment, when the developer team was ‘booed’, was the beginning of the end for the Diablo franchise.
Initially scheduled to be released sometime in 2021, Blizzard pushed back on its release to 2022 for various reasons. Some suggested that it was due to the fans feedback during the Alpha testing, while others believed that the various allegations against Blizzard probably also played a part.
Diablo Immortal Closed Beta goes Live
Regardless, the iconic RPG franchise closed beta finally goes live today (October 28th,2021) for Android devices in Australia and Canada. One of the most requested features from the fans during the alpha tests, was the support of controllers, a feature that wasn’t supported initially. Let’s face it, playing on a phone can be frustrated at times for many people, especially hardcore PC gamers.
Blizzard promised that they would start working on implementing such feature, and they recently shared some details about controller support in Diablo Immortal.

In conclusion, does Diablo Immortal have controller support?
According to the developers, the game will support the use of controllers during the closed beta (Xbox series and Dualshock included), even though the feature is still limited. At the moment, the physical controls don’t support menu navigation, so in order to to get the full gaming experience, players should be using their mobile devices. This issue is expected to be solved by the time Diablo Immortal will be ready for release, sometime next year.
Published: Oct 28, 2021 02:49 pm