Probably one of the most mysterious Pokemon there are out there, Unown are floating Pokemon possessing 28 different variants, appearing in the forms of the Latin alphabet, as well as punctuation marks.
The purpose and backstory of Unown are shrouded in mystery, and the Pokemon itself aren’t too strong in battle. They possess poor base stats along with being able to learn only 1 move: Hidden Power.
If you want to learn where you can find all of the 28 variants of Unown, then you can read on ahead to enlighten yourself!
How to Find Unown in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Unown are found in Solaceon Ruins. To get the Solaceon Ruins, you need to enter Solaceon Town and head northeast till you see several ledges in your past. Head to the right, making it past the ledges till you reach the entrance of Solaceon Ruins.
Inside the ruins, you will find several rooms, some smaller, and some bigger. The several smaller rooms contain 20 different variants of Unown, who will appear at random. The 6 bigger rooms each contain 6 different variants of Unown.
Once you’ve captured all of them, make your way out of the Ruins and head to the Ruin Maniac Cave on Route 214. If you’ve caught 26 of the Unown variants in Solaceon Ruins, the Ruin Maniac will let you access an entrance which takes you to an unexplored area of Solaceon ruins.
Here, you can find and capture the final 2 Unown — the Exclamation Mark and Question Mark Unown — to complete your Unown collection!
Published: Nov 29, 2021 09:22 am