Sony took to the stage at this year’s Tokyo Game Show (TGS) to show off their shiny new mobile app which will tie in with their upcoming next-gen PlayStation 4 console.
First revealed back in February, the mobile app is currently slated to launch in November alongside the console’s November 15th release date and will include a number of different social and second screen features.
The app will allow users to access the latest PS4-related news and info as well as check in on what their friends have been playing and even send and accept multiplayer invites. Users will be able to chat with their PSN buddies, access the PSN Store, check up on their Trophies collection, and even post game updates to Twitter and Facebook all from within the app.
Even better, users will also be able to connect their mobile device to their PS4 using the app; granting second screen functionality for certain games and even letting users utilize their mobile device as a game controller. The full capabilities of the PlayStation 4 mobile app won’t be completely realized until the app and console themselves are released in November, but it can’t be denied that Sony’s TGS showing was an impressive one.
If the PlayStation 4 mobile app lives up to all that Sony wants it to, it could help break down the barriers separating mobile, social, and console gaming; offering a revolutionary new experience that keeps PlayStation players connected even when they’re away from their consoles.
Published: Sep 19, 2013 05:57 pm