Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl has been released on the Nintendo Switch and has prepared some nice gifts for the players. And this applies not only to the pre-ordered versions of the game, even if you purchased the game after the release you can also still get goodies. In this guide, we are going to tell you about all the available Mystery Gift Codes.
All Mystery Gift Codes 2021
A mystery Gift is a special gift that you can get at a certain time, for example, during an event. However, when the deadline expires, you won’t be able to get these goodies unless someone starts trading them. Therefore, you better not miss the opportunity to get free things.
And so let’s start with the code. Go to the main menu of the game and click on Mystery Gift. Now click get through code and enter the following characters:
If you manage to do this before March 31, 2022, you can get Piplup Statues Chimchar and Turtwig for free.
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At the moment, this is the only known code, but there are several more ways to get the Mystery Gift.
You should also open the menu and select Mystery Gift, but now click the Get via Internet button. You will be given two awards, Platinum-Style Clothing, and Manaphy Egg. Choose any, and then repeat the steps to collect the second Mystery Gift. However, you have a little less time to receive these Gifts. They will become unavailable after February 21, 2022.
You also need to have a save called Pokémon Shield or Pokémon Sword, and then head to the southwest of Floaroma Town and talk to the man in the flower field. Then you get the Jirachi pokemon.
However, if you have a save called Pokemon: Let’s Go Eevee! or Pokemon: Let’s Go Pikachu! and you will talk to the lady in the same location, you will receive Mew pokemon.
Published: Dec 1, 2021 04:52 pm