Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are great remakes of the classic games of the Pokémon series. There are lots of adventures that are waiting for you in the Sinnoh region. You will be able to explore a huge amount of different locations, visit different towns, and fight and capture a lot of Pokémon. However, all these activities may require you to have a decent amount of resources. One of the most important things is money. You will be in trouble if you run out of it. So, this guide will tell you about the best ways to earn money in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
How to Earn Money in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Money in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is a really important resource that you can use to buy lots of different stuff you may need in your journey. But, at some point, you may feel a lack of money and there you will need to know how to farm it. The farming process is easy enough and you just need to get a certain item that will help you. The item we are talking about is called Vs. Seeker. It allows you to rematch Pokémon Trainers you’ve beaten before.
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Pokémon Trainers are probably the best way to earn money as they provide you with good rewards when you beat them. So, you just need to find the most rewarding Trainers and use Vs. Seeker to rematch them. Also, there is a couple of things that can increase the amount of money you get. The first thing is called Amulet Coins and it doubles the amount of money you can earn when you win a battle. The second thing is Pokémon named Meowth. This species has a great skill called Pay Day that helps you to earn additional money.
Published: Nov 30, 2021 04:17 am