Oceanhorn, the great adventure game developed by FGD Entertainment released on the App Store a while back, is now available in all regions for a rather interesting price.
Starting today, Oceanhorn can be purchased for only $3.99, Considering how good the game is, this price is a true steal, especially if you’re a fan of The Legend Of Zelda series and want to play a game that’s been heavily inspired by it.
Late last year Oceanhorn has received a new update. The 2.5 update came with several graphical enhancements that took advantage of the increased power offered by the more recent iOS devices like increased frame rate and polygon count and more. The update also includes some other minor adjustements for all devices running iOS 8.
Oceanhorn: Monster Of Uncharted Seas has been originally released last year on the App Store. Earlier this year, a new version of the game called Oceanhorn: Game Of The Year Edition has been released on iOS devices, including some extra content which expanded the game like a new fishing mini-game and more. All those who purchased the original release also received the new content for free.
Oceanhornis now available for download on the App Store. Despite the Zelda series influence being maybe too evident at times, Oceanhorn is still a game that’s more than worth your time. You can learn moreabout the game by reading our in-depth Oceanhorn Review.
Published: Jun 20, 2015 07:22 am