Technical Machines, or TMs, are data discs that can bestow new moves upon your Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. TMs are a convenient way to hone your battle strategies, as you don’t need to grind out levels to learn certain moves. Today, we’ll show you how to get Will-O-Wisp (TM107) in Scarlet & Violet.
Getting Will-O-Wisp (TM107) in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
TM107 teaches the Fire-type move Will-O-Wisp. The user shoots out a flame that will immediately cause the Burn status effect. Will-O-Wisp has a base accuracy of 85%.
You must unlock the crafting recipe for TM107 before you can craft it at the TM Machines, located at every Pokémon Center. There are two ways to do this!
The first method of unlocking TM104 is to storm Team Star’s Fire Crew Base, located directly north of Artazon in East Province (Area One).

Challenge the Fire Crew, and take out 30 of their Pokémon in the siege battle. You’ll then challenge the Fire Crew leader, Mela of the Schedar Squad. Take her on with lots of Water-type Pokémon to gain the advantage.
Upon defeating Mela, you will automatically unlock a variety of TM crafting recipes, with TM107 being one of them. If you don’t want to deal with Team Star, you can also just find a copy of TM107 out in the wild.
Fly to Levincia (North). Follow the path going northeast into the rocky region. Eventually, you’ll come across a quarry, with one side of it raised. There’s a large rock formation near the edge of the raised part—TM107 is right behind the rock.

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If you don’t have high jump unlocked on your ride Pokémon, you’ll need to go around the entire raised section to find a hill leading up.
Either way you go about obtaining TM107, you’ll unlock the ability to craft as many copies of it as you want at any TM Machine. You’ll need the following materials to make TM107:
- 3,000 LP
- Shuppet Scrap x 3
- Salandit Gas x 3
Here’s a list of the Pokémon that can learn Will-O-Wisp from TM107:
- Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard
- Growlithe/Arcanine (Normal and Hisuian)
- Gastly/Haunter/Gengar
- Tauros (Paldean/Blaze Breed)
- Flareon
- Moltres
- Mewtwo
- Mew
- Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion
- Misdreavus/Mismagius
- Houndour/Houndoom
- Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir/Gallade
- Sableye
- Numel/Camerupt
- Torkoal
- Altaria
- Groudon
- Drifloon/Drifblim
- Froslass
- Rotom
- Heatran
- Giratina
- Arceus
- Zorua/Zoroark (Hisuian)
- Larvesta/Volcarona
- Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox
- Fletchinder/Talonflame
- Litleo/Pyroar
- Volcanion
- Salandit/Salazzle
- Mimikyu
- Cinderace
- Rolycoly/Carkol/Coalossal
- Sinistea/Polteageist
- Drakloak/Dragapult
- Spectrier/Calyrex
- Fuecoco/Crocalor/Skeledirge
- Houndstone
- Scovillain
- Slither Wing
- Chi-Yu
- Charcadet/Armarouge/Ceruledge
That concludes our guide on how to get Will-O-Wisp (TM107) in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. If you have any other tips or questions, let us know in the comments below!
Published: Dec 9, 2022 05:34 am