Ever since the dawn of Pokemon games, there arrived brilliance, nuance, and intricate gameplay too, all welcomed with arms stretched wide. What were most definitely NOT welcome, were the horde of bugs and glitches that came along with the games.
Bugs are an inevitable part of any new game’s release, and are to be expected even. Even though they get fixed relatively soon in most cases, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t annoying to deal with.
And speaking of bugs and glitches, there exists a bug plaguing the Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl games at the moment, and players are more than annoyed at the literally inescapable glitch that is screwing them over.
There have been numerous instances where players have had their character pushed into a corner by their walking Pokemon in a way that they cannot escape; for example, behind two NPCs, trapping them to what seems like no escape.
If you want to know how to get unstuck in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, then read on ahead!
How to Fix the Walking Bug and Get Unstuck in Pokemon BDSP
Follow these nifty methods to get out of that inescapable space that your naughty following Pokemon pushed you in:
- Press Y to enter the Union Room to trade for a Pokemon that knows Teleport.
- Warp into the Grand Underground and catch a Ralts that could very well know the move Teleport.
- Teach a Pokemon in your party Teleport or Fly. Otherwise, warp to the Underground and train a Pokemon up till it can learn either of those moves.
- Open the main menu and hold Up + X + B to recover a backup save, which will take your game 2 saves back.
And those are the methods you can use if you were wondering how to get unstuck in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. What other glitches or bugs have you found? Let us know in the comments below!
Published: Nov 25, 2021 09:19 am