Umbreon is definitely one of the cooler Eeveelutions out there, and now you want one too. Other than trading, there is only one way to get an Umbreon of your own.
And that starts with you first getting your own Eevee! Have you done that? You can easily get your own Eevee by heading to Hearthome City after receiving the National Dex and entering the house next to the Pokemon Center.
Speak to Bebe, the Pokemon Storage Designer, and she’ll gift you your very own Eevee!
How to Evolve Eevee into Umbreon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Now that you have an Eevee in your possession, evolving it into an Umbreon should not be too hard. Umbreon and Espeon are, in fact, the two Eeveelutions that are the most troublesome to evolve, but that’s only because all the other Eeveelutions take nearly zero effort to get.
To evolve your Eevee into an Umbreon, you need to first make sure it has the maximum level of happiness. You know you’ve accomplished this when its happiness level is 220 or more. Below are a few ways to raise Eevee’s happiness.
- Keep Eevee in your party at all times.
- Battle and win with Eevee. Avoid letting it faint.
- Have it hold the Soothe Bell at all times to quicken increasing friendship.
- Enter it in Pokemon Contests.
- Feed it berries that it likes.
After following the above tips, you can check for its happiness level using the Friendship Checker on your Poketch. Like we mentioned, after it gets to 220 or above, you are almost done.
Now, all you need to do is level up your Eevee during the nighttime, and you can watch your Eevee evolve into an Umbreon!
Published: Dec 7, 2021 03:36 am