In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players can obtain Technical Machines (TM), a type of data disc that help Pokemon learn new moves. TMs are a quick and easy way to learn a new move without too much grinding or waiting. Gunk Shot is one of these useful Technical Machines. Find out how to get Gunk Shot (TM 102) in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Obtaining Gunk Shot TM 102 in Scarlet and Violet
TM102 teaches a Pokemon the move Gunk Shot. Gunk Shot is a Poison type move with good power and ok accuracy. The Pokemon using Gunk Shot has 30% chance to poison the opponent. Here are the stats for Gunk Shot:
Type | Poison |
Category | Physical |
Power | 120 |
Accuracy | 80 |
PP | 8 |
Gunk Shot can be unlocked during the Starfall Street storyline after defeating Atticus, Team Star Poison Leader, after which you can craft it at the TM Machine. It is also found at the foot of Glaseado Mountain in North Province Area One. It can be crafted using the following: 5000 LP, Grimer Toxin x 3, Croagunk Poison x 3, Varoom Fume x 3.

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The move is super effective (x2) on Grass and Fairy type Pokemon. It has an average effect (x0.5) on Poison, Ground, Rock and Ghost type Pokemon. It has zero effect on Steel types. Gunk Shot is available by default on Swalot, while other Pokemon must either level up or learn via TM. Shuppet and Banette obtain it by Egg Move.
Check out this list of all the Pokemon who can learn this move via TM or level up.
- Grafaial (Level or TM)
- Shroodle (Level or TM)
- Varoom (Level or TM)
- Revavroom (Level or TM)
- Grimer (Level or TM)
- Muk (Level or TM)
- Gulpin (Level or TM)
- Clodshire (TM)
- Rellor (TM)
- Rabsca (TM)
- Gilmmet (TM)
- Gilmmora (TM)
- Annihalape (TM)
- Meowth (TM)
- Galarian Meowth (TM)
- Persian (TM)
- Mankey (TM)
- Primeape (TM)
- Gastly (TM)
- Haunter (TM)
- Gengar (TM)
- Paidean Wooper (TM)
- Qwilfish (TM)
- Teddiursa (TM)
- Ursaing (TM)
- Delibird (TM)
- Phanpy (TM)
- Donphan (TM)
- Pelipper (TM)
- Shroomish (TM)
- Breloom (TM)
- Slakoth (TM)
- Vigoroth (TM)
- Slaking (TM)
- Gulpin (TM)
- Swalot (TM)
- Zangoose (TM)
- Seviper (TM)
- Shuppet (TM)
- Banette (TM)
- Pachirisu (TM)
- Stunky (TM)
- Skuntank (TM)
- Croagunk (TM)
- Toxicroak (TM)
- Krookodile (TM)
- Skrelp (TM)
- Dragalge (TM)
- Cragrawler (TM)
- Crabominable (TM)
- Mareanie (TM)
- Toxapex (TM)
- Salandit (TM)
- Salazzle (TM)
- Passimian (TM)
- Komala (TM)
- Toxtricity (Amped/Low Key) (TM)
- Perrserker (TM)
That’s it for this particular Technical Machine and how to obtain it. We hope that has helped you teach your Pokemon the move you require. Let us know if you have any more hints or tips in the comments below. Next up, why not check out how to get Hyper Voice in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? Good luck!
Published: Dec 3, 2022 01:41 pm