Right from the beginning, every player starts gathering resources in Minecraft. The first thing almost everybody does in Minecraft is chop down a tree. After crafting necessary tools and items, players began their search to find valuables like golds, diamonds, and emeralds.
Minecrafters are always on the lookout to find some shiny ores and minerals. While most ores can easily be found by mining, emeralds are an exception. Going cave mining isn’t precisely the best way to obtain emeralds in Minecraft.
If you have trouble obtaining emeralds, continue reading to learn about different emerald finding techniques.
Related: How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft
Best ways to get Emeralds in Minecraft
You can obtain emeralds both as ore blocks and items in Minecraft. However, emerald ores are much rarer to find than their item form. Here are different ways for getting emerald ores:
Trading with Villagers

Without a doubt, villager trading is the best way to get emeralds in Minecraft. For emeralds, you can sell cheap items like rotten flesh, paper, coal, etc. Villagers can buy a wide variety of items from you.
You can reduce the trade cost to one emerald by curing a zombie villager multiple times. This game mechanic allows players to easily double or triple their emeralds in Minecraft.
One of the most famous emerald farming strategies is to buy bookshelves from a librarian and then break the shelves to get books. Then, you will sell these books back to the librarian for triple profit. Librarians who have been cured have their trade prices for books and bookshelves reduced to one.
Raid farms
Illagers, the arch enemies of villagers, are the only Minecraft mobs who drop emeralds. Trading with villagers is simple, but it can be slow because of its manual nature. Raid farms will be a perfect investment if you want to obtain emeralds efficiently.
Raid farms produce hundreds of emeralds every hour. You will also obtain other items like totems of undying, saddles, arrows, and more.
Looting chests

While exploring the world, you will come across many loot chests. These chests can contain some shiny emeralds, but not always. Chests found in shipwrecks, villages, and desert temples have a higher chance of having emeralds. Be sure to check all chests!
Explore mountains

If you have shifted to Minecraft 1.18, mountains are a great place to find emerald ores. You can discover exposed emeralds ores on mountain peaks. The top areas of mountains have the maximum number of emerald ores. You will also find tons of iron and coal while looking for emeralds in the mountains.
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Published: Dec 19, 2021 01:12 pm