It’s not a big secret that glitches and errors are common not only for PCs. Nintendo Switch, smartphones, and consoles still have various bugs that prevent you from playing games. Read this guide and find out how to fix PS4 error code ce-30005-8.
Reasons for Error Code ce-30005-8

Error ce-30005-8 is a pretty widespread problem. Therefore, there is an official reason why this error might happen. The error is caused by connecting the console to Hard Disk Drive, Blu-ray, or DVD Drive. Fortunately, nothing is challenging about fixing the error. Continue reading the guide, and you will discover how to do it fast.
Related: How to Fix PS4 Error NP-31805-7
Fixing PS4 Error Code ce-30005-8
There are 2 ways you can fix Error ce-30005-8. The first one is more straightforward and suitable for 70% of people. If it does not work for you, use the second option. There is no time to lose. Let’s get started with the first fix.
Install Updates
Once you face Error ce-30005-8, you should exit the game and check for the new updates. If some updates are not downloaded, install them on your console and restart the system. It might take some time, but you will be able to enjoy playing games freely.
Rebuild PS Database
If the first solution does not work for you, you have problems with a disc that has to be fixed urgently. First, eject the disk from your console and make sure it is not damaged or scratched. If everything is ok, you should insert it into the PS and rebuild the database using Safe Mode option 5. After completing the process, restart your console and start playing games.
In conclusion, Error Code ce-30005-8 is a widespread error indicating a problem with the Hard Disk Drive. Fortunately, in most cases, the issue can be fixed in a few minutes. That is how it is. Thank you for reading the guide. Hope you find it helpful! And while you are here, make sure to read our guide on the best PS4 Controller Skins on the Market.
Published: Dec 8, 2022 06:09 pm