How to Find a Furfrou in Pokemon Go

This article is over 2 years old and may contain outdated information

In the various events that Pokemon GO hosts throughout the year, there are tons of cool new Pokemon introduced through them. During the Fashion event that took place on September 21, 2021, there was a certain poodle-like dog Pokemon named Furfrou that managed to turn people’s heads everywhere!

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Are you looking for Furfrou in Pokemon GO? Have you heard about its various forms, but don’t know how to get them? Then you’ve come to the right place! Read on to get all your questions answered.

How do I Find a Furfrou in Pokemon GO?

Ever since Furfrou’s Natural Trim Form debuted in the 2021 Fashion Week Event, it has since been available to capture in the wild all around the world just like any other standard Pokemon.

You need to look out for Furfrou in its Natural Trim, since this is how you will be able to acquire its various other forms. We recommend that you go out and capture at least 10 different Furfrou so that you can change 9 of them into forms other than the Natural Trim.

How do I Change Furfrou’s Form in Pokemon GO?

Changing Furfrou’s Form—or its trim—can be done in a few simple steps.

  1. Ensure you have 25 Furfrou candy and 10,000 in your possession.
  2. Go to your Pokemon Storage
  3. Select Furfrou
  4. You will notice a ‘Change Form’ button
  5. Select it
  6. Select a form from the Trims available in your region

And that’s about it. But noticed how we mentioned ‘Trims available in your region’? To explain that, we need to talk about…

Furfrou’s Regional Trims in Pokemon GO

There are only 3 Furfrou Trims that are available worldwide. These are Furfrou’s Natural Trim, the Dandy Trim, and the Matron Trim.

The rest of the trims can only be obtained in specific regions. These are:

  • Star Trim: Asia-Pacific
  • Pharoah Trim: Egypt
  • La Reine Trim: France
  • Kabuki Trim: Japan
  • Diamond Trim: Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
  • Debutante Trim: North/South America
  • Heart Trim: Not yet released

Furfrou’s regionally-exclusive forms can, of course, also be obtained through trading with someone else who has one.
