Who says the path to becoming the world’s top model has to be fair and righteous? This week’s BitLife challenge is becoming the ultimate baddie beauty no matter what it takes, so here’s how to complete the Model Mischief challenge in BitLife.
Complete Guide to the Model Mischief Challenge in BitLife
You’ve got the beauty, brain, and brawn in this week’s BitLife challenge, the Model Mischief challenge. Last week, we decided to embrace and love our inner selves with the Ken Enough challenge, but this time, things are getting a little unhinged. For this challenge, you need to complete the following objectives:
- Be born a female in Massachusetts
- Become a famous model while working at a modeling agency
- Sabotage 5+ of your fellow models’ careers
- Murder 5+ of your fellow models
- Participate in 2+ Fashion Weeks
Be aware that in order to complete this challenge, you need to buy the Model Job Pack, which costs 4.99 USD. If you don’t want to spend any real money on BitLife, then you’re unfortunately going to have to skip out on this challenge.
How to be Born a Female in Massachusetts
Start a new life in BitLife. Don’t worry if you already have a life in progress, and it is automatically saved, and you can pick it back up at any time you like.
Set your gender to female and place to United States. Your name can be whatever you want; the only thing that matters is your place, and that must be set to Boston. Boston is Massachusetts’ capital and biggest city, so we’re starting our femme fatale career there.
How to Become a Famous Model while Working at a Modeling Agency
If you’ve bought and unlocked God Mode, it makes this challenge a lot easier, as you can set your Looks to 100% and your special talent to before you start your life. This will give you a massive advantage right from the get-go, so don’t forget about it!
Anyways, live your early life however you want. All that matters is that you keep your appearances up, because as soon as we finish high school, we’re going to apply to become a model. Go on walks, go on a diet, work out at the gym, maybe even take up a martial art.
Once you’re out of high school, we’re going to want to get a part-time job. You’re going to need some money to get started in the modeling industry, so go about that however you like. Use some of that cash to take some Modeling Lessons, which can be found in the Mind & Body menu.
Once you have some pocket cash, go into Occupation, and then Special Careers. Select Model, and the first thing you need to do is to take a headshot. It’s $250 for a grayscale photo, and $500 for a full color. We want the full color one for the best chances, so grab that. The outfit, background, and expression don’t seem to matter, so pick whatever you like.
Go back into the Model menu and select Casting Calls. For now, we’re going to stick with the low profile gigs, as we’re probably going to be rejected by the higher-end ones. When you choose one, you’re given a prompt, and you have to decide how to best react to it.

It’s very important to read what the client wants, as it usually gives you a pretty obvious clue as to what they’re looking for. For example, in the screenshot above, the client wanted us to be elegant and poised, so we pumped up our poise to 100, and set everything else to 0.
Once you’re offered the job, you can take it, ask for more money, or turn it down. At this point of your career, you want to always accept them. Later on, when you’re more established, you can be a little more demanding. The director will also ask you to do something special for the shot, so make sure you agree to that too.
Don’t sweat it if your jobs end up with not-so-great results; we’re just trying to build your portfolio up, as that increases your chances of getting a job with the modeling agency. Speaking of which, once you’ve completed enough jobs, you can try auditioning for a modeling agency. You have the best odds when the profile meter is lower.
From here, you just need to keep doing modeling jobs and making sure the clients are happy, as this increases your fame. Keep at it, and you will eventually become famous!
How to Sabotage 5+ of your Fellow Models’ Careers
This is where things get a little… evil. Now that you’re a part of a modeling agency, go into the Job menu, then tap on your job title to get to your modeling agency menu. From here, tap on Colleagues.
These are all your fellow models. You can tap on any one of them to interact with them, and it’s mostly the same interaction options as usual, with one new addition: Sabotage!
Use the Sabotage action on your fellow models. The sabotage method doesn’t matter, so pick whatever nefarious plot you like the most. If you’re successful, there’s a very high chance you’re offered to substitute for the person you sabotaged, so take the job and get paid. This needs to happen five times to complete this objective.

If your colleague catches you in the act of sabotage, they will either attack you or call the cops on you. If you’re sent to jail, just wait out your sentence and then reapply to a new modeling agency, and try again. This whole process is pretty annoying, as it’s all up to chance.
If you’d rather not waste any years in prison, then you can simply do the tried and true “cheat” of closing BitLife whenever you get caught, which puts you back right before you attempted it.
How to Murder 5+ of your Fellow Models
Once you’ve successfully sabotaged five of your colleagues, it’s time to take it a step further and erase their existence entirely! Open the Crime menu in the Activities list, and then select Murder. The drop-down list should include a lot of your colleagues, so take out any five of them for this objective.

Alternatively, if you’re caught red-handed and your colleagues attack you while you’re trying to sabotage them, you can choose to retaliate. Use a powerful attack and make sure to target a vital spot, like neck, head, or chest. This becomes much easier if you learn a martial art, as you can use special moves. If your colleague dies from their injuries, this might count as murder, but we haven’t tested it yet.
How to Participate in 2+ Fashion Weeks
Once you’ve taken care of everything else, the last objective is a refreshingly normal one that isn’t psychopathic in any way. All you need to do for the last objective is to participate in two Fashion Weeks.
Keep doing modeling jobs and keep your profile high at your agency, and eventually you’ll be invited to take part in a Fashion Week for a popular brand. Do this twice and that’s it for this challenge.
Congratulations, you’ve completed the Model Mischief challenge in BitLife! If you have any other tips or questions for this challenge, let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to check out the rest of our BitLife coverage.
Published: Mar 17, 2024 03:33 am