Good old Talking Tom is back to make your day a little brighter! My Talking Tom 2 is the long awaited to the virtual pet styled experience of the first Talking Tom game. The premise is the same – your best friend has come to visit once again, and it’s your job to give him a good home!
Many features of the original game have made a return, and you can expect to partake in all of classic Tom activities. Tom’s an easy going guy, but you will still need to take care of him, give him food, play games with him, and decorate his pad.
But now you can get even closer with your buddy! Tom can now be picked up and he’s even got his own physics to him! You can spin him around for a fun little ride, toss him about, or even put him where he needs to go.
Just make sure not to be too rough, because Tom can get booboos now! Patch him up using the items inside the medicine cabinet!
This time around Tom is even packing his own private jet which he can use to go to new places around the world. Each location in the world has its own set of unique items, including fun costumes for Tom to dress up in!
And not only that, but Tom can also have his own pets now! There are a grand total of five pets to unlock, but you will need to find them first. Explore the world and search high and low for them, because they’re hidden well!
My Talking Tom 2 is available now on the App Store and Google Play Store.
Published: Nov 10, 2018 11:24 am