In today’s article we are going to cover all of the Cooking Joy 2 tips and cheats and help you become the best chef in the game!
In this game you will need quite a bit of patience, a lot of attention to detail and even more than that, ability to work under pressure! It is all due to the speed of the game, which I have to say, goes from 0 to 100 pretty fast! But all that only makes the game more challenging and interesting to play, so if you are up for dealing with starving customers and picky eaters, then let me tell you all about it!
So, without further ado, let’s dive right into our Cooking Joy 2 tips and tricks and help you pass all of the game’s stages!
Get used to the basics firstly
The basics of the game are not difficult at all, and they are something that you should definitely start getting used to, because they will lead you to have a good serving style and speed later on.
These are the things that you should first focus on mastering, because once you learned how to handle moving around the kitchen you will see that everything is much easier in the long run. Here are the main basics which you should get used to:
– Start by getting used to multitasking: you will soon need to handle more than 1 customer at once, and that will mean that you need to know how to handle multiple tasks and orders at the same time.
– You can take two things at once on you, and you should use this to make multiple combos.

– Don’t make unnecessary moves. Start on one side and get everything you need from there, then move on to the other side. This is good because that way you will not make unnecessary moves and waste time for no reason.
– When you serve multiple items quickly in a row, you will get combo bonus which gives you more Gold at the end of your shift!
– Do not try and cook more fries than you need (or more than 2-3 at once) at start because you will end up having to throw them because the fries cook very quickly and if nobody asks for fries, it will be wasted time.
– In order to fully clear a level, you will have to play it several times. This also works when you want to get some of the extra keys needed to unlock new levels. Some of the keys are hidden in other stages of the same level, not in the very first one!
Remember these things because they are some super basic stuff that will soon get into your head and will help with passing the stages without you even realizing it.
Upgrade your cooking utensils and recipes
You can make various upgrades, from upgrading your cooking stove to upgrading your soda machine and hot dog buns. All of these upgrades can be done by using Coins which you get from passing the game’s stages, and you can go about the upgrades in either one of two ways:

– Make the upgrades beforehand, by upgrading whatever you think will be best, without actually consulting the game’s suggestions (which might not be the best idea overall, but in the end you will have to upgrade everything, so it will still work).
– Make the upgrades as the game recommends them. Each stage will have certain requirements and by upgrading the recommended amenities you might pass the stage much easier. The only drawback here is that the game might stop suggesting upgrades.
If the game stops suggesting you various upgrades, you should still make them on your own because you will be looking to have everything upgraded eventually.
I suggest that you follow what the game suggests and start upgrading everything to maximum level and clear all of the stages, before you move on to the next levels. That way you will have extra Coins (from finishing levels beforehand) and you can make upgrades to the cooking utensils and dishes in the next stage as well!

Manage your Energy right
Playing every stage will cost Energy, and if you want to keep on playing, then you need to know that you should manage your Energy the right way. One Energy point takes 6 minutes to restore.
Watch an ad to get free Energy! This option is available when you tap on your Energy bar plus icon (the green “+”) and you will see that if you choose to watch a short advertisement you will receive 5 Energy!
Doing this is super worth it if you want to balance both managing your lives (Energy) and playing almost continuously. I suggest that you head on here and watch an ad to restore 5 Energy when you are at about 10 Energy or when you want to take a break from playing the stages.

There is one more way that you can restore your lives completely and instantly, but that costs Gems! It will be a total of 30 Gems to fully restore your Energy, but I really think that it is not worth wasting your Gems for this – better save them for something better.
Use the Boosters when you are having a tough time!
There are certain boosters which you can select from the beginning of a stage and they will be active all throughout your game. These boosters will unlock as follows:
– Super Cooker: unlocks at level 12 – it cooks the dishes much faster
– Double Coins: unlocks at level 14 – it gives you double the amount of Coins from dishes
– Instant Cook: unlocks at level 16 – cooks the dishes instantly
– Magical Shoes: unlocks at level 18 – allows you to move much faster in the kitchen

These boosters will help by making the game much easier. For example once you reach level 18 and you use the Roller Skates you will move much, much faster between the places in the kitchen.
You can combo two or more (or even all of them!) boosters to finish a level in just a few moves, but I suggest that you hold on to them and not waste them randomly. It’s better to always have some extra boosters in case you will bump into a tough level.
Watch an ad to get free gifts!
Every now and then a pop up will appear on your screen which will give you the opportunity to watch a short ad to claim various rewards. You can either get Gems or Coins, so whenever you see this pop up appear on your screen, if you don’t mind watching a short ad, do it! It is worth it!

Serve the non picky and hungry customers!
Every now and then there will be random customers who are really, really hungry! They will come in asking for anything pretty much, so I suggest that if you have some extra dishes cooked that nobody wants, you serve them to these customers!
If you are in a rush, you can give them a soda, because that counts as a dish too! I always prefer to give them plain hot dogs with soda, because these are the quickest dishes for the early stages.
Also, if you happened to cook some dishes in advance and nobody wants them, you can give these too. Since anything works, don’t struggle giving them something that takes forever to cook, because it’s not really worth wasting time cooking for them!
Manage your cookers right!
So this is something that I really wanted to get into detail with, because learning to do this the right way is super important in passing the levels easier. Basically what you should be looking to do is never have too many dishes cooking on open fire, but also not too little dishes either!
Since you should be looking to find that perfect balance, you will have to go through this with trial and error. For example, when at the first stages I always cook 2 or 3 fries at once, and have them ready. I always have 2 or 3 fries cooking, and in case I have customers asking for non-fries dishes, I either try to manage their orders with 1 hand, or place the extra fries in the empty slot on your counter. This takes me to the next step:
Use the empty slot on the counter! Whenever you have extra dishes that you cooked in advance or simply cooked wrong, place them in there and wait for a customer to ask for that dish!

Never let your customers wait too long!
I know that sometimes it takes a little to cook some dishes, but you should never wait until the dishes are cooked and do nothing – instead, just do something else! Try cooking other stuff in advance for example – that is never a bad idea. You can also try serving the customers the other dishes they are asking for in the meantime!
For example if you have 3 customers waiting for fries, but they also want soda and hot dogs on the side, work on serving them the hot dogs and / or soda in the meantime, while your fries are cooking!
Do this for all the customers – never stand still until you cleared the level completely, because there is no time to relax!
These would be all of our Cooking Joy 2 tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more useful game tips that you want to share with us? Leave them down in the comments section below to be shared with everyone!
Published: Aug 16, 2019 03:33 pm