We’re back with the walkthrough for Clear Vision 4 – the remaining 13 missions from John Taylor. Following the first 10 missions that were really easy, the new ones increase the challenge levels and you will most likely need the help to complete them.
Clear Vision 4 builds up on the success of the previous titles in the series and comes with amazing new stages for us to complete. The John Taylor missions – the first set of missions that you get in the game are generally easy. It’s fun to watch the mayhem that you cause, but the missions themselves are not incredibly difficult.
However, if you need the help completing them, we’re here as always! So let’s not waste any more time and instead let’s check out below the Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough for John Taylor’s missions – Part 2.
Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough: Mission 11 – Wrecking INC
Taking wind and distance into account, zoom in to the thing holding the wrecking ball and shoot it. You can take a shot aiming in a similar way I did in the screenshot above.
Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough: Mission 12 – Cowboy Roy
This one is really tricky – took me a few tries because the dude won’t stop moving! But there’s not much else to do than aim like I did in the screenshot above and hope for the best. Sooner rather than later, you’ll get him!
Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough: Mission 13 – Headbanger
Finally, a really easy mission. Simply aim at the large gas canister below the stage and you’re all set!
Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough: Mission 14 – Old But Gold
A very difficult mission. I managed to pull the shot by aiming at the hat as seen in the screenshot above. Simply aim as good as you can, then wait for the old man to pass for a few times, to make sure that you’re aiming right.
You will have to take the shot when he comes from the left, at about the time he reaches the white window panel. Might need a couple of tries before doing it, though.
Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough: Mission 15 – Bon Appetit
This one is a bit easier: zoom in to the maximum and take the shot. You have to aim at the man to the left of the middle table.
Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough: Mission 16 – Bill and His Board
First, zoom in as much as possible in order to be able to set the right wind compensation. Set your aim based on the wind direction only. Then, zoom out a bit until you can get the distance compensation just right and take the shot.
Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough: Mission 17 – Dead Man Twist
Another easy mission with a static target. Set the wind compensation first by zooming in to the maximum, then zoom out a bit for the distance compensation to be easy to set and take the shot at the right moment, tapping the shoot button at the right time when your character is breathing.
Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough: Mission 18 – Slacker Smacker
Note: This is the moment that I recommend you to buy the next Sniper, The Hulk.
Wait for the guy to take a break and start smoking near the wall to the left. Adjust your shot according to the on-screen indications and take him out!
Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough: Mission 19 – Hans Kochenburg
You have to act fast here – the guy stops twice and then vanishes. If you don’t take the shot, it’s all lost.
The easiest way to aim is by setting the compensation for distance and wind based on the position of the first bodyguard (the guy to the right). He will stop to talk to him for a short while – that’s when you need to take the shot!
Clear Vision 4 Walkthrough: Mission 20 – Creep Killer
Coming soon! We’re working hard to complete this mission and all the rest and we’ll update the walkthrough soon!
Published: Oct 11, 2018 11:03 am