IRE Blood Rage is a new action role playing game that will be released soon on the App Store. If you’re looking for a game that will provide a challenging experience, you’d do well in keeping an eye on it.
IRE Blood Rage, currently in development by Tenbirds Games, seems to be a combination between two popular series, the Monster Hunter and Dark Souls series, as players will have to defeat a variety of enemies, keep a good eye on their items and equipment and, apparently, die a lot.
Being a role playing game, IRE Blood Rage will also have a story but it looks like it won’t be all that deep, as it’s the usual “save the world and defeat the great evil plaguing the land”. This, however, shouldn’t be a problem if the actual experience ends up being good.
Not much more is currently known about IRE Blood Rage other than the fact that it will support MFi controllers and it will require an active internet connection to play. We will let you know more about the game and its release date as soon as more comes in on it so stay tuned for all the latest news.
Published: Apr 29, 2015 07:36 am