There’s so much going on in the world of mobile gaming nowadays that it’s sometimes hard to keep track. You’ve probably got a few games on the go at once, and making sure you’re not missing out on any of the things they have to offer can be a real chore.
Step in GamerCal. It’s an app that lets you set up notifications to alert you when something’s going on in the games you love. It’s really easy to use and, when you’ve got your notifications set up, you’ll never have that awful feeling that you’ve missed something important ever again.
The app has been updated recently, making it even more useful. Whereas before you had to buy IAP keys in order to track your games, the latest update has made the app entirely free to us! Just select the games you want to follow, and the types of events you want to be notified about, and you’re good to go.
There’s also a brand new list of the most popular games that users of the app are keeping an eye on. With just a few taps you can grab them from the App Store. That means GamerCal isn’t just about the games you’re already playing, but it also gives you a way to discover new experiences.
While the app is focused on iOS games at the moment, the developer is determined to ensure that the gaming community gets what it wants. If you’d like to see GamerCal adding any new features, turning up on the Google Play Store, or adding a game to their list, then send an email to [email protected] and make your voice heard.
GamerCal is also providing unique opportunities for influencers and game developers to promote themselves and engage their audiences – just get in touch with them at the same email address as above to learn more.
You can grab GamerCal completely free from the App Store right now. Once you’ve got it, there’s a good chance you’re going to wonder how you ever lived without it!
Published: Jun 29, 2017 08:56 am