How to Fix the Sink in Virtual Families 3

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Virtual Families 3: Our Country Home is a family sim game available to play on iOS and Android. Players must care for a family while helping them settle into their new home. The house they move into needs some repairing, decorating, and expanding. It also has a garden that will need landscaping. The family starts off as a couple who get married, and then have children. Various tasks need to be completed, especially when things break! Find out in our guide below how to fix the sink in Virtual Families 3.

Fixing a Broken Sink in Virtual Families 3

Any home can have things that break down or stop working. Some of these tasks can be completed by a member of the family, while others will need a professional repair person.

In Virtual Families 3: Our Country Home, there will be various minor things that can go wrong. One of these smaller issues is a leaky sink. A family member can fix a leak easily with the right tools.

Related: Virtual Families 3 Cheats & Tips

virtual family 3 leak sink
Leaking sink in Virtual Families 3

Any family member aged 14 and above can try to fix the leaking sink. The Household Tool Set will be needed to complete this job. The Household Tool Set can be purchased from the store in the Furniture/Accessories section.

You can also just drop the family member in the workroom, if there is one available.

household virtual families 3
Purchasing Household Tool Set in Virtual Families 3

There is always the option to call in a professional if you want to. You can do this by getting a family member aged 14 or over to call a plumber who will arrive almost immediately.

Once your family member has completed the task and the sink has been fixed, it will take a minute or two for everyone else to understand that there is no longer a leak (which can be a bit annoying). To speed up everyone finding out you can click and drag them to the sink to see for themselves.

That is all you need to know about fixing a sink in Virtual Families 3! Good luck.

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How to Fix the Sink in Virtual Families 3


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