Rush Royale Best PvP Decks (2022)


There are lots of interesting tower defense games that you can find in the modern game industry but one of the most outstanding ones is called Rush Royale. There you will have to participate in PvP matches that require you to build the best defense. In order to do it, you will have to create a powerful deck of units. So, this guide will tell you about the best Rush Royale PvP decks.

Best Decks for PvP in Rush Royale

Rush Royale is one of the most interesting tower defenses and it allows you to compete with other players. You will be able to find out who is the best defender with the strongest strategy. However, before you will be able to defeat the strongest opponents you will have to create a powerful deck.

Related: How to Get and Use Zeus in Rush Royale – Guide and Tips

The game has a huge amount of units that you can use to form your deck and some of them are stronger than others. Here are some of the best decks in the current meta.

Inquisitors and Stasis

This deck is based on Inquisitors and you will have to build 4 of these units and upgrade them. After that, you will be able to defeat the incoming enemies. Here is the deck:

Crystalmancer Deck

This strategy is based on Crystalmancers and Dryads that will be able to deal with different types of enemies including bosses. The deck is versatile and balanced. Here are the cards we recommend you use:

Wind Archer Deck

This deck consists of different units that will be useful in all stages. We recommend you to use Vampire in the early game and then build more Ice Mages and Wind Archers. Here is the deck:

Boreas Deck

This deck consists of Legendary and Epic cards. So, it won’t be available for a new player but it is still very strong. Here are the cards that you should use to create it:

These are some of the best decks that you can use for PvP in Rush Royale. However, there can be more strategies and we highly recommend you to experiment and create something on your own. Good luck in your further matches!

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Rush Royale Best PvP Decks (2022)


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