How to Change Roblox Death Sound


If you have played Roblox for a long time, you probably know that developers have changed most sounds in the game. However, a lot of players are eager to return old sounds. If you are one of these players, read this guide. You will find how to change Roblox death sound. No time to lose. Let’s get started!

Changing Roblox Death Sound 

No secret that sounds updates is one of the worst in Roblox. Therefore, many players want to return old sounds to the game. Moreover, you can not only return old sounds but even create your custom sounds. Continue reading this guide, and you will find out how to do it properly.

Related: How to Bring Back the OOF Sound in Roblox

To return old sounds to Roblox, you will be supposed to change the game files. Unfortunately, there are no other ways to do it. You need to right-click Roblox icon on your screen to access the files. After that, choose the option “Open file location.” Here you will find a lot of folders, but you need to select folders named “content” and “sounds”.

In this folder, you will find a lot of sounds. However, you will be supposed to change the sound “ouch.ogg.” To do it, create a new folder and move the old ouch file here. After that, you can move any .ogg file to the sounds folder. All you need to do is to rename it to the “ouch.ogg.” That is how it works.

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Moreover, you can use this trick to change not only the death sound, but any sound in Roblox. However, replacing other sounds seems to create chaos in the game. And do not worry. You will not get banned or warned for doing it.

In conclusion, there is nothing hard in replacing death sound in Roblox. All you need is to have the sound file that you want to use and a few free minutes. So, thank you for reading this guide. Hope you find it helpful.

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How to Change Roblox Death Sound


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