What Is New in Chapter 2 in Roblox Rainbow Friends?


Just after the release, Roblox Rainbow Friends has drawn the attention of a lot of players all over the world. This game seems to be one of the most popular Roblox Games in 2022. Read this guide, and you will find out what is new in chapter 2 in Roblox Rainbow Friends. No time to lose. Let’s get started!

Chapter 2 in Roblox Rainbow Friends

First, you need to know that Roblox Rainbow Friends from the release reached over 20,000 online players, which is an insane number for an ordinary Roblox server. However, the fact is that developers were not ready for such a big online. Therefore, they released only 1 Chapter of Rainbow Friends.

No secret that this chapter is exciting. But the problem is that completing it will not take more than 25 minutes. Moreover, there is no point in completing Rainbow Friends a second time. This Roblox server is not the legendary Far Cry or M.E.T.R.O.

Related: How Many Endings in Roblox Rainbow Friends? – Answered

And to keep players’ interest in the game, developers have left an Easter Egg at the end of the game. It is the secret ending. During this ending, the main red monster will say that things are getting crazier. Undoubtedly, these words refer to the second chapter of Roblox Rainbow Friends.

However, there is another problem. The fact is that developers are not active in social media. Therefore, there is no official information about the second chapter. Everything that people say about chapter 2 is only an assumption. Therefore, the best decision is just to wait. 

In conclusion, there is no official information about Chapter 2 in Roblox Rainbow Friends. However, there is no doubt that this chapter will be released in the future. That is how it is. Thank you for reading the guide. Hope you find it helpful!

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What Is New in Chapter 2 in Roblox Rainbow Friends?


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